Friday, March 8, 2013

Not knowing where to start

It has been so long since I posted I have no idea where to start. I guess I can just simply jump in. I am starting back, because I want to start my business up again. I have taken about 5 months off. So, here we go. . .One of the things I want to work on is my picture quality. I feel like I have read everything on how to improve photos but, I feel like I am in system overload and nothing is sticking. So here is my attempt on improving first picture vs. second below.

Yes the first one I worked on in picmonkey, and the second I did not. To me it still looks like a blurry mess. Maye I should set up a tripod... Anyone got any tips on improving picture quality? In my camera they look great, but once I try to post to blog not so much! Would love to hear other bloggers technique. I hope to have a before and after to post soon, that will mean I am offically back to work. I can't wait!

Update: I went back and shot with tripod. First one no touch ups, second one with touch up. Any better?