Tuesday, August 9, 2011

Just Etsy Today

I thought I would showcase some of my Etsy items for sale. I would like to start showcasing other sellers as well, but I must get more organized!

I think there maybe a pattern here! Just to show I can do another color beside white or blue! Paying patronage to my high school alma mater. . .

Go Bombers!
It's so fun blogging, I can say and do whatever I want!
Hope you have a good day!
I am off to buy bubble wrap and find some goodies for my shop!

1 comment:

  1. Ha! Isn't the blogging world great? Sometimes you'll find that you feel like you are blogging to outter space with no responses. But see, that's what Stat Counter (http://statcounter.com) is for, it's like Big Brother for your blog. Anyways, I really like the blue vase thing at the top of the post. I have some jars with peppers and random veggies in them, and I'm dying to use them for something else other than watching dead pepper parts float in a vinaigrette formaldehyde. I'm thinking I might brave the smell, dump them out, and paint them somewhat like the first pic. Thanks for the inspiration! :)
